Colecția 2001


Scris de Ioan BUȘ on . Postat în Volumul V, Nr. 3


The research has tried to develop a new technique of the polygraph testing with the purpose of increasing the accuracy in the investigation of the feign behavior. Present study is the outcome of a long lasting inquiry realized in the Psychological laboratory for detection of deception from the Cluj Police Department. The experiment was made with subject who committed acts of violence (homicid and attempted murder), using a Lafayette American Polygraph. In the polygraph testing procedure the image of delictual object has also been included. The study has shown that presenting the image of crime object determines ample physiological reactions only in the case of the subjects direct involved with the crime. Imagistic variable determines a deeper processing of the stimulation, comparative to the verbal variable, and therefore, in the end, the psycho-emotional reactivity is clearer expressed in the polygraph diagram.

Keywords: simulated behavior; polygraph; lie detection; imagistic variable; verbal variable