Cognition, Brain, Behavior. An Interdisciplinary Journal publishes contributions from all areas of cognitive science, focusing on disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to information processing and behavior analysis. We encourage contributions from the following domains: psychology, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, linguistics, ethology, anthropology and philosophy of mind. The journal covers empirical studies and theoretical reviews that expand our understanding of cognitive, neural, and behavioral mechanisms. Both fundamental and applied studies are welcomed. On occasions, special issues will be covering particular themes, under the editorship of invited experts.
- Regular research articles: Single study articles may contain up to 10 000 words, including references.
- Extended research articles: Research articles reporting multiple studies may contain up to 12 000 words, including references.
- Short communications: These research articles should not exceed 4000 words, including up to 25 references.
- Review articles: These articles may contain up to 12 000 words.
- Meta-analyses and/or lengthier reviews should not exceed 15 000 words.
The journal uses the Turnitin program to check manuscripts for plagiarism. There is no article processing charge (APC) for publication.
- Manuscript preparation:
Articles should be prepared using the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Associations, 7th edition (APA format, 7th), as well as the following article structure.
Title page should be comprised of the following information:
- Title: Should be concise and informative. Avoid abbreviations.
- Author names and affiliations: State the name and family name of each author, as well the authors’ affiliation addresses bellow the names (Department, University / Institute, Country, and postal address)
- Corresponding author: State the name and e-mail address of the author who will handle all correspondence prior to and after the publication.
Abstract. The summary of the current research should not exceed 250 words.
Keywords. Provide up to 5 keywords that reflect the topics of the research. Please keep in mind that keywords are used in information retrieval systems.
Introduction. State the aims of the research and provide a suitable background. Where applicable, divide the introduction into clearly defined subsections.
Method. Provide a description of the design, sample, measures, procedure, and statistical analyses. The authors are encouraged to provide sufficient details for the study/studies to be reproduced.
Results. Results should be clear. Results presentation should be in accordance with stated objectives and/or hypotheses.
Discussions. This section should be dedicated to discussing the significance of current findings in the broader context of the targeted domain. Exploring limitations, and theoretical and practical implications are encouraged.
Conclusions. At the end of the manuscript, a paragraph should be dedicated to the main conclusions of the presented research.
Tables and figures. Tables and figures should have a heading providing a description of the table contents / illustration. Figures (color or grayscale) should be either TIFF or JPG, with a minimum of 500 DPI. If color figures are submitted, please keep in mind that only a greyscale version will be printed (the color version will be online), hence the figure should be suitable for both print and online versions.
References. References should be prepared using the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition (APA format, 7th).
- In text: provide the authors’ names, followed by the year.
- For instance “This was also found in children with high levels of trait anxiety (Cheie et al., 2014)” or “Cheie et al. (2014) also found the same results in children with high levels of anxiety”.
- When there are more than two authors, only the first name should be provided, followed by “et al.” and the year. Example “Cheie et al., 2014”.
- Reference list: ensure that references cited in text are also indicated in the reference list and vice-versa.
- References to studies in journals should include the author’s name, followed by initials, year, paper title, journal’s name, volume, page numbers and digital object identifier (DOI). Example: Cheie, L., Miclea, M., & Visu-Petra, L. (2014). What was I supposed to do? Effects of individual differences in age and anxiety on preschoolers’ prospective memory. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 38(1), 52-61.
- References to book chapters should include the author’s name, followed by initials, year, title, editors, book title, volume, page numbers, publisher name, DOI (if applicable). Example: Visu-Petra, L., Cheie, L., & Mocan, O. (2013). Executive functioning in high-trait anxious children: A cognitive vulnerability factor? In Moore, K., Kaniasty, K., & Buchwald, P. (Eds.) Stress and Anxiety. Applications to Health and Well-Being, Work Stressors, and Assessment (pp. 153-160). Logos Verlag.
Appendices. Appendices can also be submitted. If more than one appendix will be submitted, please mark them as A, B, C etc.
- Manuscript submission:
Cognition, Brain, Behavior. An Interdisciplinary Journal is an international journal, and the Editors welcome submissions from scholars around the world.
Submission is exclusively made online via submission tab. After completion of the submission form (providing all the required details in the appropriate fields), full manuscripts should be attached where the “Main document” is required. The title page is attached separately where the “Title page” is required. A full manuscript comprises of: title, abstract, keywords, full body text of the article, references, and tables and appendices – where applicable. Up to 3 figures can be attached separately where “Figure 1”, “Figure 2”, and “Figure 3” are required.
- Peer review
Submissions are subjected to initial evaluation by the Editor in chief and associate editors and are subsequently either desk-rejected or sent to independent, anonymous peer review provided by expert referees. Editors ensure that the referees are independent of the authors (e.g., not affiliated with the same institution, without past collaborations). Additionally, all peer review is double blind (the names of the authors are withheld from the reviewers and vice versa). In this respect, authors should remove any identifying information from the manuscript and references. All information pertaining to identification and institutional affiliation should only be included in the title page, which is submitted as a separate file.
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