Editorial - Mental aspects of sport performance
László Tóth
5996 |
Hungarian adaptation and psychological correlates of Source of Enjoyment in Youth Sport Questionnaire among high school students
Tamás Berki, Bettina F. Piko
5731 |
Personality profiles of junior handball players: Differences as a function of age, gender, and playing positions
Dóra Kőnig-Görögh, Noémi Gyömbér, Zoltán Szerdahelyi, Nóra Laoues, Zsuzsa Olvasztóné Balogh, Anita Tóth-Hosnyánszki, Csaba Ökrös
5860 |
Getting the butterflies to fly in formation: A review on the modulating effect of attentional control on motor and visual aspects of sports performance under pressure
Raluca Liștea, Emmanuel Ducrocq, Amalia Siminiceanu, Laura Visu-Petra
5916 |
Validation of the Hungarian Sport Motivation Scale (H-SMS)
Robert Paic, Attila Kajos, Balázs Meszler, Gyöngyvér Prisztóka
5910 |
Age-related differences in motivational climate and extrinsic-intrinsic motivational factors among members of the Hungarian national wrestling teams
Ágnes Szemes, Péter Vig, Kinga Nagy, Gábor Géczi, Kornél Sipos, László Tóth
5833 |
Sport motivation and perceived motivational climate among members of a national para-swimming team
Ágnes Szemes, Péter Szájer, László Tóth
6217 |
Recognition of the symptoms of a concussion by Canadian and Hungarian ice hockey players
Attila Nagy, Csaba Kiss, Csaba Sós, Gábor Géczi
5826 |