Volumul XXI, Nr 4

Afișare #
Titlu Autor Accesări
Editorial - Mental aspects of sport performance László Tóth 5996
Hungarian adaptation and psychological correlates of Source of Enjoyment in Youth Sport Questionnaire among high school students Tamás Berki, Bettina F. Piko 5731
Personality profiles of junior handball players: Differences as a function of age, gender, and playing positions Dóra Kőnig-Görögh, Noémi Gyömbér, Zoltán Szerdahelyi, Nóra Laoues, Zsuzsa Olvasztóné Balogh, Anita Tóth-Hosnyánszki, Csaba Ökrös 5860
Getting the butterflies to fly in formation: A review on the modulating effect of attentional control on motor and visual aspects of sports performance under pressure Raluca Liștea, Emmanuel Ducrocq, Amalia Siminiceanu, Laura Visu-Petra 5916
Validation of the Hungarian Sport Motivation Scale (H-SMS) Robert Paic, Attila Kajos, Balázs Meszler, Gyöngyvér Prisztóka 5910
Age-related differences in motivational climate and extrinsic-intrinsic motivational factors among members of the Hungarian national wrestling teams Ágnes Szemes, Péter Vig, Kinga Nagy, Gábor Géczi, Kornél Sipos, László Tóth 5833
Sport motivation and perceived motivational climate among members of a national para-swimming team Ágnes Szemes, Péter Szájer, László Tóth 6217
Recognition of the symptoms of a concussion by Canadian and Hungarian ice hockey players Attila Nagy, Csaba Kiss, Csaba Sós, Gábor Géczi 5826