The Validation of Multidimensional Calling Measure on a sample of Romanian teachers
Daniela Dumulescu, Robert Balazsi, Alexandra Manuil, Adrian Opre*
Department of Psychology, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
This study is focused on validating a culturally appropriate measure of career calling in a sample of Romanian teachers. More specifically, the aim of the study was to examine and confirm the factorial structure of Multidimensional Calling Measure (MCM) in Romanian context. We tested the three-factor structure of the scale (identification person-environment fit, meaning and value-driven behavior, transcendent guiding force) in a sample of 856 teachers employed in public schools. Using confirmatory factorial analysis, the original model of MCM was confirmed. The scale showed good internal consistency and convergent validity (positive correlations with career success and life satisfaction). Our findings support the importance and relevance of measuring calling in Romanian context.
Keywords: calling, multidimensional calling measure, factorial analyses, career success, life satisfaction
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