Object file system software experiments about the notion of number in humans and machines
Norbert Bátfai1*, Dávid Papp2, Gergő Bogacsovics1, Máté Szabó1, Viktor Szilárd Simkó1, Márió Bersenszki1, Gergely Szabó1, Lajos Kovács1, Ferencz Kovács1, Erik Szilveszter Varga1
1Department of Information Technology, University of Debrecen, Hungary
2Department of Psychology, University of Debrecen, Hungary
In this paper, we present two types of software experiments, which were performed to study the numerosity classification (subitizing) in humans and machines. These experiments focus on the fields of subitizing and numerosity estimation, where the numerosity of objects placed in an image must be determined. The experiments called “SMNIST for Humans” are intended to measure the capacity of the Object File System (OFS) in humans. In this type of experiment, the measurement result is well in agreement with the value indicated in cognitive psychology literature. The experiments called “SMNIST for Machines” serve similar purposes but they investigate existing, well-known deep learning computer programs that are under development (and which were originally developed for other purposes). These measurement results can be interpreted similar to the results from “SMNIST for Humans”. The main thesis of this paper can be formulated as follows: in machines, the image classification artificial neural networks can learn to distinguish numerosities with better accuracy when these numerosities are smaller than the capacity of OFS in humans. Finally, we outline a conceptual framework to investigate the notion of number in humans and machines.
Keywords: numerosity classification, object file system, machine learning, MNIST, esport
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