Psychodiagnosis in terms of the functional cognitive paradigm: An integrative complementary framework
Vitali Tevelev1*, Yuval Wolf2*
1Matzpen – Mental Health and Neurology Clinic, Tel Aviv, Israel
2Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
The present paper advocates the idea that the Information Integration Theory and Functional Measurement, the theory's methodological counterpart, might provide a complementary means for integrative psychodiagnosis. This proposal is based on a brief presentation of the main postulates of the theory with a special reference to the qualities of Functional Measurement, in a way which accentuates its ability to relate to certain aspects of psychodiagnosis which have not been addressed by conventional tests. Notable examples are the offer to relate to likelihood ratings as a preferable measure in Functional Measurement, the suggestion to add a stage of verbal reasoning to the quantitative part of the experimental session, and a recommendation to construct a computerized application of this methodology.
Keywords: psychodiagnosis, information integration, functional cognition, functional measurement, psychotherapy
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