Volume XXIII, Nr 4

Afișare #
Titlu Autor Accesări
Individual differences in self-rated anxiety and respiratory sinus arrhythmia predict performance on a complex working memory task Brian Healy 4239
Object file system software experiments about the notion of number in humans and machines Norbert Bátfai, Dávid Papp, Gergő Bogacsovics, Máté Szabó, Viktor Szilárd Simkó, Márió Bersenszki, Gergely Szabó, Lajos Kovács, Ferencz Kovács, Erik Szilveszter Varga 5547
Psychodiagnosis in terms of the functional cognitive paradigm: An integrative complementary framework Vitali Tevelev, Yuval Wolf 4044
A comparative analysis of national Olympic swimming team members’ and para-swimming team members’ psychological profiles Péter Szájer, László Tóth, Ágnes Szemes, Nikoletta Nagy, Borbála Zala, Ferenc Köteles, Attila Szabo 4292